Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sandy lands back in Kanak

Thursday October 17 2013

Dearest Lillian Web Wing
How’s Panther Pus … last I heard … she was sick
Evidently I’ve been in Bargaloo while you’ve been in Kanak doing God knows what!

Don’t feel sorry for Antoin … he would have been hit by a chunk of metal if it hadn’t been for Panther Pus … and who knows what could have happened to Panther Puss or her whereabouts had it not been for Antoin’s dangerously out of control tooth abscess. 

sigh … demolition of the fruits and veggies shop was sad … I saw it the next day. It looked like a bombing site!  I vicariously involved myself in the  refurbishment of the new shop … and witnessed the most tragic occurrence … introduction of really stupid uniforms for the cashiers…that’s when I left.

You mentioned that you had broken some of your ribs and that you had to work like a slave for three days  scraping mould of old refrigerators  and other types of really shitty jobs when you were half dead … and that you were virtually Antoin’s prisoner and his slave.  Wow … that’s too bad Lilly.

Next time you walk into a steel pole. Don’t look back.

Anyhoo’s I’m back in  Kanak ... again … trying to facilitate some kind of mutual fascination connection. I’ve started a Strange Ways learning program and am currently in cohoots with others like myself  … strangers and the very strange.

Just the other days … walking around Kanak … I was reminded of that day … nearly three years ago … the sun was so bright that day …and city walk had been transformed into big market square with heaps of stalls selling homemade cakes, cookies, jars of relish, pickles, crocheted items, second books, plants, clothes, the usual crafty things etc … I remember asking one of the stall holders … what was the occasion ?  She told me the market was a regular Saturday morning event and had been for years. 
But not in my timeline … many Saturday mornings have come and gone before and since then and I have not seen it since ... or before then.

Something like that has happened again Lily!  In Civic Square … a few days ago I happened to notice that a new vegetarian take way establishment had opened on the corner of the Central Plaza Building.

The nice lady who made my vegetarian hot dog … and one for Bandy hoots too … told me that the takeaway opened either one month ago or six weeks ago. Those were her words. Yet I remember being there very recently … less than a month ago and not seeing a vegetarian café there. It’s not that I didn’t notice it… it’s that I noticed … as usual … an empty space. All the shops in the Plaza Arcade are unoccupied and have been for a long time. 

Years ago during my retro rayban sunglasses phase … I used to frequent the sunglass shop on the upper level of the plaza arcade.  It was the best rayban shop in town and the proprietor – a rayban enthusiast and specialist was a very nice gentleman. 

In those days the Plaza Arcade was a hive of activity. A designer shop that sold unusual flouncy dresses was an established business there…much in the same way that Millers of Manuka is to Manuka or the Down Town Milk Bar is to the Cinema and the coffee shops. 

By happenstance this dress shop was a favourite of Marine’s. Marine wore one of those dresses to a party at Vesslies very modern, very stylish apartment … the night she hooked up with Ricardo … an English gentleman who had once lived in Africa and a known associate of Colonial émigré’s … but I am digressing … 

About the Plaza Arcade … When did it change?   Ever so slowly and unnoticeably it had morphed into the abode of a dangerous temptress. A notorious crosswise vampire temptress had evidently cornered the abode and turned it into an instrument for creating crosswire chaos for her own very peculiar purposes.

As for how this turn of events affects me personally … it doesn’t … it was an out of bounds type of place and I knew not to go there without knowing why or how.  Sooo not so long ago … I noticed the entrance to it … and I remembered it and the face of the questionable lady … gothic and seriously sucking on a lollipop. Sooo me and Bandyhoots decided to investigate … being very nonchalant about it and not the least suspicious or dubious.

Some of you who might have noticed me then or had gone looking for me or who are running away from me and or towards me … some of you will try to imagine this and some of you will say … ah yes I remember … the blonde hairwig, the dark glasses, the little black dress and others will remember my cousin “it” while others can only recollect a vague memory of a creature resembling… possibly disguised … a blanket of tripe coverall with rayban accessory type of eyes.

Lily … the main thing I wanted to talk to you about … is how close we came … the closest we could ever be … barring an atom smashing incident … is that how it started … not with a bomb but with an experiment?

There have been a variety of curious experiences and coincidences that I have not included in my special reports and letters to either you or the people I work for or against. Now if I can just collect my thoughts and place them in coherent order.

A few months ago I had one of those dreams that was so vivid it felt real … I saw a  planetoid very much like how I imagine Earth would have looked like when our solar system was forming… this planetoid was a perfectly round  sphere of boiling lava bubbling up between a network of tectonic plates of black rock. Black and red … just like the object I snapped with my camera at Lake Cargelligo … which I don’t have because I lost that camera.

In my dream I saw this planetoid come toward earth and not actually hit it …rather come within about three metres of hitting it and then stop so that it hovered above our planet and did not actually smash into it as you would expect.

One night coming back from Maya’s house a few months ago … I saw a huge comet streak across the sky … if it hit Kanak and wiped it out … it’s already ancient history.

I  took a picture of an orb that was so big it filled the night sky and of another that was blue and green like planet  earth.  Was I experiencing or seeing these momentous events one step removed … so it’s always business as usual in Kanak. Evidently this must have happened to a planet I was living on and was perhaps so sudden and unexpected and total, by the time any of us  figured out what happened, it’s ancient history.  In Kanak …time passes without any concept of time passing or awareness of how much time has passed.

Perhaps the ultimate end game in any atom smashing experiment is a planets smashing into each other episode. By the time you realize what the ramifications are … it just happened. 

This smash up possibly fixed or will fix any more rips. I have to say this little problem follows me everywhere I go … sometimes manifesting as orbs, or a sudden fall … finding oneself surrounded by lizard men or on a spaceship with grey aliens.  Feeling like you are being sucked into a black hole in one location while atom bomb testing is occurring in another. Underground for instance … in the Pacific Ocean or at outback Maralinga …such as occurred in the seventies and eighties.

Exchanging microbes with a school friend or a stranger on a bus opens up a mine field of possibilities both good and bad and profoundly life changing.

Some interactions, seemingly mundane and pedestrian or just plain annoying are space folding events … how can you tell? It was and still is all so innocuous.

Then there’s the problem of suddenly having to deal with alien consciousness’s in your own home … like your mum or your dad or your dad’s second wife … a husband’s foreign mistress or some stranger you met on the highway.

Losing touch with people on your wavelength is fraught with tears and confusion … likewise … having to share your abode with creatures that are out of synch with you can be downright dangerous and scary or just horribly confusing like when your husband or your boyfriend suddenly turns and you don’t know why.

I know for sure that mosquitos and humans are a mismatch. And some poisonous snakes have a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A spider out of synch with your timeline can assume vast and monstrous proportions. Imagine a generation of people born with the consciousness of an insectoid race because of a mismatch occurring way back when. CHAOS. 

Being unable to relate to the people who are supposedly related to you or close to you is bad enough… as you would know Lily.  Being unable to connect with nearly everybody is wearing and frustrating. Not being able to fit into the society you were born into or finding there is no common ground between you and your parents and wondering who they are and what happened to your family.  Being horribly confused … becoming more marginalised and isolated as time goes on. 

When the geography of a place and the geometry of space are imposed on a space time matrix that is vertical in its orientation everything changes. Events that occurred billions of years ago in linear time, suddenly start impacting on the here and now in endless weird and wonderful ways.
About that planet … I surmised this … ‘our planet’ and that other one appeared to both possess diametrically congruent magnetic polarities. A scenario indicating both planets share the same elements and must of at one have time shared the same planet body.

What  I think happened is this, Australia originally home of the Asian race and their twin opposites … the aboriginal people … when it was a planet called Mars and still is and before Earth morphed into Venus …. Atlantis/Australia was mined so heavily for its metals that it interfered with the ability of both planets to remain fixed in their orbits … as a consequence of the law of attraction between metals and other elements.
This  could have happened very early on or very late in the formation of our solar system …. When the lands were spread out around a sphere of water … before they became planets.

I am a keen observer of everything around me. I am a noticer of random happenings and coincidental juxtaposition’s. Too many to remember all of them. Enough of them to pique my interest and inclinations.
The reason why I am going on and on about this is because of something that happened outside supabarn yesterday afternoon.

I had a near miss encounter with two Asian boys directly related to the Alien Asiatics who abducted me Japan. Technically speaking there must have been only one degree of separation between us. An extreme intense wave of dark magnetic pulling energy swept over me … we had each come as far as we could go for there was now an equal and opposite wave of energy that was like thick glue exerting the exact opposite force. My head started to ache and I began to feel ill. They moved on fairly quickly and symptoms abated. It was a while before I was fully recovered.

But then I saw the weirdest thing … A ‘goatish’, older gent, slightly Scottish looking, wearing an eye patch that made him look like one of those annoying pirates from the old days when Kanak was upwraught in thunderclouds, confusion and multitudinous storms. He moved into the position diametrically one degree removed from me … that they had vacated. He was trying to call someone from his mobile.

Lilly he was wearing a tea shirt with a picture of your cat Panther Puss on it! Above the picture of Panther Puss there was just one word. WANTED.
For what? Might I ask … Is Panther Puss guilty of being a criminal now?

For what crime is she purported to have been charged with? Panther Puss was suffering horrible experiences in abandoned alley ways with everyone staring at her and being really surprised or really alarmed…when the real criminals were running around undetected and causing a ruckus.

I could see clearly now and for the first time get my head around the concept of the past, present and future all unravelling at one … into an eternal now time, with no beginning and no end… which can be a depressing thought … sometimes.

I have since witnessed instant karma playback scenes on the television and seen for myself the instant karmic consequences of the wanton killing of animals by supposed trusted caretakers of the land.

For example I watched a documentary on Kakadu a few days ago and became quite alarmed by the attitude of an old aboriginal woman … and a traditional owner of the land … towards the migrating geese flying over Kakadu. In just one day she shot about 20 geese, proudly displaying their dead bodies to the cameras. Evidently she doesn’t like chicken. And she must feel like she’s doing her bit for the community by supplying the locals with so much bush tucker …

She was crazed looking as well, she had blonde fuzzy hair and red eyes. I didn’t see any meaningful connection between her and the land … her joy at killing and her callous attitude make her a dangerous force to be reckoned with.  I remember being very angry and upset about it that day and the next.

And the very next night … on another doco … four corners I think …I saw her again …she was a member of a tribe called Jarma or something like that that had something to do with a council representing Aboriginal people being ripped off by the guy in charge of it … Mr Lee … who used up all the funds basically having fun.

It was exact same woman as the one in Kakadu … only she had straight white hair and normal eyes. She was doubly pissed off about the situation because … as she put it … “the money’s gone … we’ll never get it back” …and the guy who misappropriated it …Mr Lee … he got his old job back  as head of the council and manager of the funds because … guess what Lilly? … that is what his fathers wanted!

With so much blood on her hands, her path through the shadow worlds becomes a hit and miss affair littered with obstacles and traps that has something to do with metal bits and jagged line and guns pointing at each others strangers in the dark.

On Saturday Bandyhoots and myself visited Tidbinbilla Wildlife Sanctuary ... I saw one mother kangaroo with a Joey in its pouch standing by the information billboard and welcome sign at the entrance to the sanctuary … and on the way out I saw another mother kangaroo with a joey in its pouch and each had taken up a position either side of the welcome sign.

I read that the last rock wallaby seen in Tidbinbilla was in 1959. Also that they had been shot at for fun … and that their abode soon thereafter became overrun with goats. 

It was sad… possibly the best outcome for them in the future worlds  given their proclivity to rocks and the  close proximity to lizards and other amphibious creatures using the crevices in the granite rocks to seek shelter in hard times. While it may not have been a big issue for either species then, close proximity could be a problem in other dimensions …that’s why the third force became necessary … in my humble opinion.

A sign about the early days of life forms alluded to this fact. It was the addition of a third presence or energy into the cosmic soup that brought about a harmonious outcome to an otherwise ongoing two way battle that just went on and on.  It culminated in perfect hydrogen to oxygen balance of 21 per cent.

Lilly I have been up all night writing this letter to you and it’s time for me to go to bed. It’s ok to be back in Kanak this time … I am dealing with my situation in a much more mature and level headed way these days and exploring new forms of expression... and basically trying not to get too swept up in the drama of it all. My hunch was confirmed on the drive home . On the road out from the sanctuary I saw more evidence of nature’s guiding hand in the reorganizations of matter out of chaos to bring harmony and balance back into the worlds.

What I saw was a red belly black snake, lying dead by the side of the road in the shape of a U. It was a close call.  

The big world of the universe is an echo of the quantum field. The thought that goes into creation and the ability to guide creation and change the world in the process can be orchestrated in the quantum world … and only a ghost can live in a black hole … only a ghost can build a pyramid that can fit into the palm of a hand or paint pictures that appear in cornfields in other countries … only a ghost can be in two places at the same time.

Date Unknown    …. Place Unknown

Dearest Dear
Following on from last night’s crash of the twin towers and the subsequent asteroid and planetary collisions I have been propelled so far back into your planet’s past that I might as well be living on another planet in the future.

I received a message from my Great Grandfather re … the LA Hootabelles which both surprised and alarmed me.

Danton is gone now … another city from another city basically crash landed on him … I hope he’s doing OK in the land of the dead and that he doesn’t make the same mistakes that Malamut made or Leela …

I do know one thing … next time I see him flying by … it won’t be on the beach with Andy and a white Eagle …

Rest in Peace Andy … I will always love you

With love from your Mum .

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