Monday, September 30, 2013

The Veil Sometimes Slips

Dear Bandyhoots,

Today is September the thirtieth and I just remembered a whole bunch of things I wanted to tell you about … like the dream I had a few nights ago … a recent excursion to the Skull Islands … the conversation I had with a lion in the African Bush and my sightings of a sailor on the high seas.

Last things first … a few nights ago I had a dream that I was on a mountain climbing expedition with two strange men. We had been trudging in the snow for quite a while when we arrived at a village that was notable only for the number of tents there were in what appeared to be the main street. I noticed that one of the tents was very small. A peek inside revealed a little girl of about five years old with brown hair, brown eyes and freckles … and the most endearing smile.

There and then I decided to carry her up the mountain … so I bundled her up … tent included … and with her still in it … and proceeded on my journey. It was a very long and arduous journey up the mountain … almost vertical in fact. Finally … upon reaching the summit … we arrived at a small village which reminded me a lot of those little villages in the Himalayas. Houses and Lodges made of wood … cosy fires in large communal living areas, brightly coloured woollen wall hangings and cushion covers … narrow little alleyways and dirty snow … also rickety wooden bridges connecting one cliff to another.  This village had one such bridge … connecting one part of the village to another.

It was at this point that I decided to take the girl back down the mountain … because it only just occurred to me that her mother might be worrying about her whereabouts.

So back down the mountain I went and sure enough when I got to the village, the police were there. I handed the child over to the police and they gave her back to her mum. Later on I remember walking very closely behind them for a while. Either the mother could not see me or chose not to acknowledge me. I decided not to go back up the mountain again … mainly because I just could not be bothered.

Bandyhoots … do you remember me telling you about that exciting escape from the reptilian spaceship a few weeks backs and how we went north and had to drive through fire and nuclear waste etc etc …. Well … about a week later I got this terrible feeling that the reptilians were back in town … I saw their spaceship again …

So Bandy and me decided to head south this time … towards the southern sea. It was five minutes to five when we emerged from the elevator into the basement level car park. Four grim faced oldish ladies were waiting there to go up. I had a bad feeling about them.

It was an interesting drive … to the say the least that I can say … about it. The reptilian spaceship followed us for a while … and then we lost sight of it.

Leaving Queenstown I noticed the first of many teddy bears … that I would see that night … tied to a tree.  Indeed that whole section of the Kings Highway between Queenstown and the Clyde Mountain was strewn with teddy bears and even one gorilla teddy bear tied to the trunks of trees.

On the lower part of the Clyde, where the terrain on either side of the road has levelled out … I noticed a most peculiar thing. I should say at this point that I have made this journey a hundred times … more or less … and I’ve never once noticed any campfires burning in these areas. And yet I saw quite a few that night … including one or two bonfires . I know this road, there are no camping grounds there and no car access.

At the bay we ate fish and chips. Spent the night parked by the roadside adjacent to South Bro Beach.

There’s not much more to report really. Bandy and me walked around Skull Island the next day and I took pictures. I made crystal and other offerings to the sea creatures. I went for a quick swim in Shark Bay. It was freezing! And then we drove home.

Bandy is convinced that I am leading a double life as a prostitute but I am not!

Very occasionally I find myself in a state  of altered reality… perhaps it can best be described as being in two places at once or seeing another place in the space in front of me … and I am seeing it through a window in the quantum field.

Several months ago I had the very distinct feeling of being in two places at once … physically in my bedroom and ethereally in the African Bush talking to a very distressed and bewildered looking lion. He was upset about his cubs and about the men and their guns and about poisonous snakes hiding in the long grass.

On one occasion I saw a vertically placed apparition of a lion and a little white lamb … could have been a white wombat or oversized guineapig … walking side by side … through a portal …munching on grass. 

Another time I saw one of these portals open up above the television set in my bedroom … it was turned off at the time … a scrawny, dishevelled looking sailor, with wiry hair and raggedy clothes stood on the prow of a boat … apparently frozen in time … behind him … in the distance … was a little island with palm trees on it.

I also saw one of my accumulators … the one with the smiley face and wonky eyes ... sort of hovering around my cactus plant in the little courtyard outside my bedroom.  This was a most surprising manifestation since I had buried it up on Black Mountain … in a secret location a few months before.

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