Monday, February 24, 2014

Ghost World S

February 4 2014

Dear ‘Santo’ … ?  … Sandy? Whatever … I have to ask you something very important! Do you remember that day on the Camino when Bandy Hop and me invented new nom de plumes for ourselves.  Bandy came up with this really overly elaborate name for me which frankly I did not care for.

Tikala Veloria Le Conte … the thing is I had already invented my own non de plume. When I told him what is was … he burst out laughing and said it sounds like someone took their parka to the beach and got sand on it.

The thing is, that was my name before as well … before all this happened before I realized that my actual in between name was not actually my real name. All of it … was a fabrication. I was a part player in someone else’s catastrophic organizational crisis while … experiencing my own situational crises. 

I have decided that this personage whoever he she or it might be interested to know about the incident in Glebe Park with the shoe lady … the mouse plague in 1984 and little lost boy on Mount Majura.

Back in those mysterious days when I still had my original ka … I used to ride my bike around the streets of the city at night … also Glebe park and around the triangulated sections of the foreshores.

You must remember … Santo … that in the old days where I am now here and probably in the future was too … I was actually living on a base on the Planet Mars … a situation involving lies and intrigue on both sides of my neighbours fences.  I merely mention this because this is the Kanak I found myself in by the end of the year 2010 … can’t say exactly when anymore.

Well … one night I was riding my bike alone around Glebe Park …
 … this happened during those ten days without my usual spying and adventure accomplice … Bendy.

Sooo … I was riding my bike through Glebe Park that night … when I happened upon a distraught woman from the Baltic regions.

She was crying about her shoes or rather the lack of them … a bagful of them to be precise … apparently her boss had made her get rid of them … also she had to take the shoes off that she had worn to work  that day because they were either lost along with the others or they had made her feet ache … she said she had been crying in pain because of it and as a consequence of this … she was now limping terribly.

I finally managed to ascertain that she had lost a bag full of shoes in the shrubbery … I offered to do a ride around the park and keep an eye out … as it were … anyway I did not find them. When I got back she was relating the whole sorry saga to three boys of middle eastern appearance who were sitting in the shadows amongst the trees … then I noticed the bag she was carrying was full of shoes …  When I confronted her with this … she became even more upset and clingy wanting me to go back to her place etc… I just thought you might like to know.

Years and Years ago … I used to sometimes go on long walks up mountains with Lulubelle …

Well one time … she was living in Hackett in those days … at the base of Mount Majura … Lulubelle and myself decided to walk up Mount Majura via the shrubbery … if there was a path to the top … I didn’t know about it … so near the top… somewhere… we come to this place where numerous stone alters and other ceremonial structures had been built …I lifted up one of the stones of the alters and saw a dead crow with its wings stretched out.

Lullubelle told me that witches had covens there … and also that her former flatmate had an identical twin sister that was a witch and a member of a Mount Majura Coven …

I don’t like witches much … and yes I know there are good witches … I am somewhat familiar with Wicca as a result of some of my interactions on the net … I am just not that interested  …

Anyhoos  we soon continued on our way … and presently came upon a young boy sitting by himself in the bush …  he was playing with an unusual object … and I cannot recall exactly what it was … it was odd is all I can say. I asked him what he was doing … he said he was waiting for his Dad.

February  ? 2014

Still desperately searching for clues to my own identity … I stumbled upon Lulubelles death notice in the New York Times … the other day. It seems she died in New York … 59th Street to be precise in the year 1889. She was buried in a black coffin on top of which a wreath of violets, lillies and roses in the shape of a cross had been laid. A whole bunch of people with the sir name of Harper were in attendance.

I think Lulubelle was my shadow twin and I was hers and vice versa. We met each other at the Dark Portal School for Young Ladies in 1976 … I think …  and then lost contact with each other for about a year when she went on a Rotary Exchange Trip to America.

We hooked up again in 1979 and ended up living together in Rowan Dean’s Parents House in Beauchamp Street Deakin with his brother Phil, Gay Rob and later Allan Hawkins who turned up there after having spent years living in the Northern Territory with the Aboriginals.

We moved to Sydney the following  year to pursue our studies in becoming actresses… and this is where things get really weird. At both Marines insistence and Lulubelles I had been talked into having an abortion in April of the previous year … I merely mention this because … unbeknownst to me … an abortion causes ripples along the timelines …
Like all the girls of my generation we had been brainwashed by the women’s liberation movement into thinking that a foetus is not a person and that our supposed ‘careers’ would be severely compromised by the intrusion of  children into our lives …  in my case it would have interfered with my career as an unpaid prostitute for a bunch of creeps … moreover … someone else had other plans for my unborn child … the fact that my future had already been mapped out for me by the head honchos of this fucked up planet did not occur to me.

Nor had it occurred to me in Japan when … aged seven … that I was not going to have a future and that in fact I had been languishing on death row for quite some time. I told Marine I wanted to be a singer when I grew up … we were in a taxi cab at the time and as usual I was singing in the backseat … I was floored by her response … You can’t sing … she said … coldly.

By happenstance we were on our way to a hospital type of establishment … Marine and Dabios had apparently come to the conclusion that I was mentally retarded and they needed confirmation of this. I must have failed this test because afterwards I was injected with something.
I am digressing …

Something really weird happened to me in Sydney … I lost my personality and I became invisible. As it happens I was sharing a room with Lulubelle in a two bedroom apartment in Neutral Bay because Walter had the other one.

Also I was leading a double life … the part of me that had no personality and was invisible was the part of me that was studying to be an actress. The other part … the more interesting one … I must say … was the one working in an old peoples home just down the road.

Possibly … as a consequence of my callous attitude towards Allan Hawkins who had a huge crush on me … and he was not the only one … I could not understand why … being so good looking and all … no one was paying me any attention or even looking at me … while Lulubelle had morphed into Miss Popularity Plus … not only that … suddenly she was the one that all the boys wanted … even the gay ones.

Now here is the weird thing … Lulubelle and I shared a bedroom and spent just about all our time together either at the actresses school or at the nursing home down the road. I was the nurse and she did all the cooking.  In our spare time we would scour the op shops for vintage clothes and old ladies coats.

Apparently … and how could I have been unaware of this? … Lulubelle had fallen madly in love with a Leonardo Di Caprice look alike by the name of Simon Maryn.  I remember seeing him once in the theatre where the plays were put on and where the renowned actors and actresses would lecture us.

He was still wearing his school uniform when I saw him … I never actually met him. So if Lulubelle was having a relationship with him and I was living with her … sharing a room … no less … how come I never crossed paths with him again after seeing him that first day across the room.

Years later Lulubelle told me that he was the love of her life and that she had had an abortion to him. She never told me how it ended … all I know is that he married someone else and had a child … a little girl by the name of Wednesday.

To cut a long story short … that winter Lulubelle  found a new abode … a mansion down the road and embarked on a series of relationships with gay guys one of whom was a prostitute who was the best buddy of Elton J.

John even wrote a song about his relations with Craig … called Crocodile Rock.

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