Monday, November 5, 2012

Poor Little Atom and the Cat Pet Attacks

November 5 2012
Lily have you  heard about those ‘cat pet’ attacks…apparently if you have been infected by one of these ‘cat pets’…if you are a female …it makes you quite vain and meticulous about your appearance…but easier to control…and if you’re a male…it makes you quite suspicious, oblivious to danger and other people’s opinions and a very bad dresser. Can you believe it?
Lily….there is an election going on in this town…snooky bear and bristles are both competing for the same job of parade organiser for the black and white badgers ball. About half of the people in this town want snooky bear to win and the other half want bristles to win…but here’s the thing…both want the same thing…shade trees for their munchkins, enough ticket sellers for the tickets and holiday houses for the infirm. But if only one of them wins and it doesn’t matter which one…the other one will get the sack…not only that…but their other selves won’t recognise them…and the end result of all of this is that they won’t be able to even attend the badgers ball let alone organise or preside over it.
A long time ago…I hacked into Usuranan’s computer network…this was before I knew him as ‘that person’…and I found out that the badgers themselves orchestrated this debacle…to divide and conquer…as it were…as they had been divided and conquered themselves into black and white colours…where previously they had been grey?
And I started thinking…well… who is the boss of this town anyway?...the one who drew a line through the circle and broke it…or the one who is trying to fix it….and I know in both of their defences, that they both want to fix it…
So I ask my selves…why can’t they just be on the same side instead of pretending to be on the opposite side…of each other.
For example if one of them gets one more vote than the other…or one less…isn’t it a little…(or a lot)…unfair to all those munchkins whose parent guardians voted for the wrong one…when it’s their parade and their badgers out on a limb…of a tree?
Anyhoos I found out…that a boss is not really a boss in this town…and a shadow is not really a shadow...unless it’s shadowing the boss and knifing him/her/it at every turn. Not only that but the boss can never really truly preside over the parade…as he/she/it…is always trying to run away from his shadow or fix their fuckups.
When I confronted Usurunan with the shonky products and motley mutants of this devious plot and it’s con-sequences… to turn the townsfolk of this town… against eachother…so that they are always fighting instead of hugging…he denied everything…
To prove his point…he showed me moving pictures of his private zoo collection…as well as pictures of his collection of zombies…which he admitted he was having trouble controlling…
For a moment he looked like a little lost japanese boy …tears in his eyes…
“I just want to go home”…he said.
Much…much later and longer than I care to remember…I met up with Usurunan again…in Japan. He was wearing his astro boy disguise.
What happened? He told me it was Atom…Atom had been split.
Atom or Adam? just Atom he whispered…

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