Thursday, January 17, 2013

The War of the Ancient Mummies

January 14 2013

Dear Sandy, I am writing to you today with the purpose of giving you my take on the war in Kanak.

January 16 2013

Oh Lily…this is such a hard chapter to write due to my crazy mixed up feelings about the situation…you know what that is like don’t you…
You could say I have an extreme case of writer block!
So maybe I should start in Japan…origin and location of my own unique mummy saga situation.

When I was six years old, I left Australia…where I had been living in my Grandfathers house. We had been there approximately one year…having moved there from Paris…location of my first astral projections.

So off I went to live in Japan with my parents ‘the Right Off Dishonourable Marine and Dabios Baronetts. Dabiois thinks he’s a hero because he threw the first rock…which, by the way,  landed not on Golden Horns Head…but on the head of poor lil Goldenhair…his own daughter…whom he considered along with her little brother…Simoney… to be right offs…but that is another story…a sad one too.

The Year was 1966…the year I met Astro Boy…oh before I forget…I should mention that it was lil Goldenhair who threw the biggest rock…at an Easter Island Statute.. no less.

So liddle Lilly was a happy little thing…always happily playing with her liddle brother in vacant lots and old abandoned houses and theatres full of pigeons and cobwebs.

Sometimes they would be gone for hours and hours…all day and maybe all night but Marine and Dabios never seemed to notice when they were missing or even if they were missing so consumed were they by their own interests and activities in their own dubious  spheres of self-importance and missed opportunities.

Poor liddle Lily…first off she was expelled from her school through no fault of her own but because Dabios trained his children to always take the blame for everyone else’s fuckups including his own and Marines, they were blamed and eventually dammed.

It’s all your fault, he used to say a hundred times in one day! Needless to say poor liddle Lily got used to copping the blame for their fuckups…and everyone else’s… and began to think it was normal. Somehow she got the idea that is was a noble and righteous thing to say ‘I did it’ even when she didn’t do ‘it’…and later on this specific personality trait came in very handy when the reptilians finally took control of the world…and ofcourse Marine and Dabios could do nothing about it since they were…both of them…ancient mummies.

Poor liddle Lily had to endure two abduction attempts on her personage during those crazy mummy days…she managed to evade being captured by two Japanese men who tried to drag her off in their car on one of the days she had been locked out of the house…but not the other.

On this other occasion…she was inside the house…it was very scary because it was the middle of the night…

So what happened was this…a mummys hand came in through the window and the next thing poor liddle Lilly remembered was being inside a room or should I say spaceship…she was lying on a slab…of course…there were two other slabs in the room both of which were occupied…well this little wizened looking alien type of  Asian person who looked suspiciously like a certain ex Singaporean Prime Minister…a connection she made much later….came over to examine her…insides…hence her lifelong phobia re dissections and the like…

Poor liddle Lily got very sick and scared after that with constant asthma attacks and fears about the dark…curtains not being shut properly ect…. The curtains had to be drawn in such a way as to reveal no glimpses of the night sky ever…if there was so much as the tiniest, tiniest gap, she would freak.

Around about that time Dabios became obsessed about ‘us’ upsetting Marine’…If Simoney or liddle Lily argued and upset Marine, he would freak.

Basically anything that upset Marine would make him go ballistic…and she was always upset. If they talked or giggled at the dinner table, they would get punched in the head. If they didn’t eat all their meat…he would shove it down their throats…oh the horrors Sandy…

Anyhoos…things got worse when Marine was not there…like when she went to hospital to have another baby…because Dabois would do the cooking…usually boiled meat full of what I can only describe  as baked white veins, it was impossible to chew Sandy!

To be continued….

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